- Il potere della mobilità, sempre con te – ecco il nuovo zaino Linky (13 January 2025)
- The Power of Mobility, Right on Your Back – Introducing the New Linky Backpack (13 January 2025)
- Linky 2.0: non è un giocattolo, è una soluzione affidabile per la mobilità (6 November 2024)
- Linky 2.0: A Solid Foundation in Urban Mobility, Not Just a Toy (6 November 2024)
- Movimenti fluidi, controllo totale: l’esperienza unica di Linky (28 October 2024)
- Smooth Moves, Total Control: The Linky E-Skateboard Experience (28 October 2024)
- Linky: dalla tradizione nasce la visione del futuro (15 October 2024)
- Linky: Rooted in Tradition, Designed for the Future (15 October 2024)
- La pre-vendita di Linky 2.0 sta per Finire: dietro le quinte dell’avvio in produzione (9 October 2024)
- Linky 2.0 Pre-Sale is Almost Over: An Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at Final Tooling (9 October 2024)
- Linky 2.0: gli ultimi test, i progressi fatti (30 September 2024)
- Linky 2.0: Tested, Improved, and Ready for You (30 September 2024)
- Linky: emblema di libertà e creatività (23 September 2024)
- Riding Linky: A Cool Statement of Creativity and Freedom (23 September 2024)
- Viaggiare col Linky: esperienza di libertà sulla strada. (17 September 2024)
- Resonating with the Road: The Fluid Freedom of Riding Linky (17 September 2024)
- Abbraccia la spontaneità e libera la fantasia viaggiando con Linky (10 September 2024)
- Ride, Walk, Explore: Linky’s Potential for Spontaneous Travel (10 September 2024)
- Linky Awarded at the "Marche Pride Night" as a Regional Excellence (9 September 2024)
- Lo skateboard elettrico pieghevole: la scelta più ecologica (3 September 2024)
- The Foldable E-Skate: a Carbon Footprint Champion (3 September 2024)
- Risparmia alla grande con Linky: facciamo i conti (28 August 2024)
- E-Skate Your Way to Big Savings: A Practical Guide to Affordable Commuting (27 August 2024)
- Non è solo uno skateboard elettrico: Linky è il tuo partner high-tech per la mobilità (19 August 2024)
- More Than a Skateboard: Your High-Tech Companion for Urban Freedom (19 August 2024)
- Gli e-skate possono essere considerati affidabili per l'uso quotidiano? (Linky può esserlo) (12 August 2024)
- Can E-Skates Be Trusted for Everyday Use? (Linky Can) (12 August 2024)
- Viaggia Senza Preoccupazioni: Pendolarismo Sicuro con un e-skate Linky (Anche per Non Adolescenti) (5 August 2024)
- Ride Worry-Free: Safe Commuting with a Linky e-skate (Even for Non Teenagers) (5 August 2024)
- E-Skating Linky su Campus o al Lavoro: Fantastico! (22 July 2024)
- E-Skating Linky on Campus or at Work: So Cool! (22 July 2024)
- Riconquistare le nostre strade: il sogno di città senza parcheggi (e perché Linky ne fa parte) (17 July 2024)
- Reclaiming Our Streets: The Dream of Cities Beyond Car Parks (and why Linky is part of it) (16 July 2024)
- Diana and the Jinn of Mount Zafferan (17 June 2024)
- Abbracciare la “Modalità dell’Essere” in una Società Dominata dalla “Modalità dell’Avere” (19 April 2024)
- Embracing the “Being Mode” in a “Having Mode” Dominated Society (19 April 2024)
- Sig. Alex e Lo Skateboard Segreto (11 April 2024)
- Mr. Alex and the Secret Skateboard (11 April 2024)
- Abbracciare l’umanità in una società dominata dall’IA: Il ruolo dello skateboard elettrico Linky (5 April 2024)
- Embracing Humanity in an AI-Dominated Society: The Role of Linky Electric Skateboard (5 April 2024)
- Rivoluzionare la Mobilità Urbana: L’Artigianato Italiano Dietro lo Skateboard Elettrico Linky (21 March 2024)
- Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: The Italian Craftsmanship Behind Linky Electric Skateboard (21 March 2024)
- Il Futuro della Mobilità Urbana: Integrare i Longboard Elettrici Pieghevoli (8 March 2024)
- The Future of Urban Mobility: Integrating Foldable Electric Longboards (8 March 2024)
- L’ Eco-Friendly Commute: Skateboard Elettrico vs. Tesla Model 3 (23 February 2024)
- The Eco-Friendly Commute: Electric Skateboards vs. Tesla Model 3 (23 February 2024)
- Linky 2.0: The Future of Skateboarding Awaits (23 November 2023)
- Linky 2.0 Updates (10 October 2023)
- Linky 2.0 Updates (10 October 2023)
- Come funziona il motore di uno skateboard elettrico? (22 September 2023)
- How Does an Electric Skateboard Motor Work? (21 September 2023)
- Come funziona la frenata rigenerativa? (14 September 2023)
- How Does Regenerative Braking Work? (14 September 2023)
- Potresti vivere una vita a basse emissioni di carbonio? (7 September 2023)
- Could you live a Low Carbon Life? (6 September 2023)
- Cosa Sono i Gradi IP degli Skateboard Elettrici? (31 August 2023)
- IP Ratings On Electric Skateboards Explained (31 August 2023)
- Aggiornamenti Linky 2.0: Nuovo scomparto elettronico (2 August 2023)
- Aggiornamenti Sul Nuovo Deck (2 August 2023)
- Linky 2.0 updates: New Electronic Compartment (2 August 2023)
- Updates On The New Linky Deck (2 August 2023)
- Un Mondo Senza Plastica: Utopia o Realtà? (23 June 2023)
- A World Without Plastic: Utopia or Reality? (22 June 2023)
- Come i Nostri Viaggi Quotidiani Danneggiano il Pianeta (21 June 2023)
- How Our Daily Travel Harms the Planet (15 June 2023)
- Cos’è la CO2 & Cosa Possiamo Fare per Combattere il Cambiamento Climatico (24 May 2023)
- What is CO2 & How to Reduce It to Address Global Warming (24 May 2023)
- OVERSHOOT DAY: Today, May 15, Italy runs out of all the resources the Earth has to offer by 2023. (15 May 2023)
- OVERSHOOT DAY: Oggi, 15 maggio l’Italia finisce tutte le risorse che la Terra ha da offrirle per il 2023. (15 May 2023)
- 5 Modi Per Vivere la Vita al Meglio (11 May 2023)
- 5 Ways to Live Life to the Fullest (11 May 2023)
- 6 Modi per Ridurre Rapidamente le Emissioni di CO2 (26 April 2023)
- 6 Ways to Lower Your Carbon Emissions Fast (26 April 2023)
- Why Can't Europe Stop Combustion Cars? (15 March 2023)
- Perchè l’Europa Non Riesce a Bloccare le Auto a Combustione? (15 March 2023)
- City 30: A New Era for Mobility? (1 March 2023)
- Le Città 30: Una Nuova Era per la Mobilità? (1 March 2023)
- 5 Domande Frequenti Sui Veicoli Elettrici (23 February 2023)
- 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Electric Vehicles (23 February 2023)
- Come Migliorare La Vita Da Pendolare (16 February 2023)
- How To Get The Best Out Of Your Commuting (16 February 2023)
- Cos'è l'Economia Circolare & Come Funziona? (9 February 2023)
- What is a Circular Economy & How Does It Work? (8 February 2023)
- Cinque Modi in cui lo Skateboard Elettrico Rivoluzionerà La Vostra Vita (2 February 2023)
- Five Reasons Riding an E-board Will Change Your Life (31 January 2023)
- LINKY 2.0 - Dietro il Design del Più Avanzato Skateboard Elettrico (24 January 2023)
- LINKY 2.0 – Behind The Design Of The Most Advanced Electric Skateboard (24 January 2023)
- Linky Innovation Tra Le 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐄-𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 (18 January 2023)
- Linky Innovation Among the 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐄-𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 (18 January 2023)
- Mobilità Multimodale: Verso un Futuro Più Verde (12 January 2023)
- Multimodal Mobility: Riding Towards a Greener Future (11 January 2023)
- Come Riciclare le Batterie di eSkate ed eBike e Perché è Importante (5 December 2022)
- How To Recycle eSkate & eBike Batteries and Why It’s Important (2 December 2022)
- WHY WE DON'T DO BLACK FRIDAY (18 November 2022)
- Come le Città Incentivano la Micromobilità e il Trasporto a Emissioni Zero (7 November 2022)
- How Cities are Incentivizing Micromobility and Zero-Emission Transport (4 November 2022)
- Storia ed Evoluzione dello Skateboard Elettrico (7 October 2022)
- The History and Evolution of the Electric Skateboard (7 October 2022)
- Quello Che Nessuno Vi Dice Sullo Skateboard Elettrico (3 October 2022)
- What Nobody Tells You About Electric Skateboard (30 September 2022)
- World Car Free Day (23 September 2022)
- World Car Free Day (23 September 2022)
- Autonomia Bici Elettrica: Come Gestire la Batteria al Meglio (16 September 2022)
- E-Bike Riding Range Explained (16 September 2022)
- 6 Motivi Per Abbandonare l'auto & Usare Uno Skateboard Elettrico Per Gli Spostamenti (1 September 2022)
- 6 Reasons To Ditch Your Car & Use an Electric Skateboard To Commute (1 September 2022)
- Le 5 Domande Più Comuni sugli Skateboard Elettrici (26 August 2022)
- 5 Most Common Questions About Electric Skateboards Answered (24 August 2022)
- 7 Consigli Per Guidare la Bici Elettrica Sotto la Pioggia (4 August 2022)
- 7 Tips for Riding an Electric Bike in the Rain (4 August 2022)
- 9 Consigli per Pedalare in Sicurezza in Città (29 July 2022)
- 9 Tips To Ride Safely in The City (29 July 2022)
- Cosa Significa Per Me lo Skateboarding... (12 July 2022)
- What Skateboarding Means to Me... (12 July 2022)
- 5 Motivi Per Cui Amiamo Andare in Bicicletta (7 July 2022)
- 5 Reasons Why We Love Cycling (7 July 2022)
- 6 Benefici della Bici per la Salute Mentale (30 June 2022)
- 6 Benefits of Cycling for Your Mental Health (30 June 2022)
- How to Go Faster on a Electric Longboard (23 June 2022)
- Come Andare Più Veloce su un Longboard Elettrico (23 June 2022)
- Introducing The New Ush Limited (16 June 2022)
- Vi Presentiamo La Nuova Ush Limited (16 June 2022)
- Come Funzionano gli Skateboard Elettrici? (9 June 2022)
- How do Electric Skateboards Work? (9 June 2022)
- 4 Ways the E-bike Has Changed Society (3 June 2022)
- 4 Modi in Cui La Bicicletta Elettrica Ha Rivoluzionato La Società (3 June 2022)
- What is Pedal Assist and How Does it Work? (26 May 2022)
- Che cos'è la Pedalata Assistita e come funziona? (26 May 2022)
- 5 Benefits of Being Outdoors (19 May 2022)
- 5 Benefici di Stare all'aria Aperta (19 May 2022)
- How to Take Your Electric Skateboard Off-Roading (13 May 2022)
- Come Portare il Tuo Skateboard Elettrico Fuori Strada (13 May 2022)
- 5 Consigli Per Essere Più Sostenibili (4 May 2022)
- 5 Tips to Be More Sustainable (4 May 2022)
- How to Ride Your Electric Skateboard Safely (28 April 2022)
- Come Guidare il Tuo Skateboard Elettrico in Modo Sicuro (28 April 2022)
- Cosa Abbiamo Imparato da questa Pandemia (23 April 2022)
- What We Have Learned from this Pandemic (23 April 2022)
- Electric Bike Laws Around the World (14 April 2022)
- Leggi sulle biciclette elettriche in tutto il mondo (14 April 2022)
- What Are the Steps for Funding your Start Up? (7 April 2022)
- Quali Sono gli Step per Fondare la tua Start Up (7 April 2022)
- How to Make Your Electric Skateboard Batteries Last (31 March 2022)
- Come Far Durare le Batterie del tuo Skateboard Elettrico (31 March 2022)
- I migliori accessori per skateboard elettrici (24 March 2022)
- The Best Electric Skateboard Accessories (21 March 2022)
- Scopri le città Bike-Friendly d'Europa (11 March 2022)
- Discover the Most Bike-Friendly Cities in Europe (3 March 2022)
- Come scegliere il giusto Longboard o Skateboard elettrico (21 February 2022)
- How to Choose the Right Electric Longboard or Skateboard (18 February 2022)
- Freedom to move into the city of the future. (11 February 2022)
- Libertà di muoversi verso la città del futuro (11 February 2022)
- L'amicizia come valore aggiunto nella nostra Azienda (3 February 2022)
- Friendship as an added value in our Company (3 February 2022)
- Rider Stories (26 January 2022)
- Rider Stories (26 January 2022)
- L'importanza della Passione (21 January 2022)
- The Importance of Passion (21 January 2022)
- Anche l’occhio vuole la sua parte: fatti notare per le strade con i prodotti Linky (14 January 2022)
- The Eye Also wants its part: everyone will be envious of your next Linky product (14 January 2022)
- Come è nato Linky? La storia dietro l’idea (7 January 2022)
- How's Linky born? The story behind the idea (7 January 2022)
- Buon anno da tutti noi di Linky (28 December 2021)
- Happy New Year from all of us at Linky (28 December 2021)
- BUON NATALE DALLA LINKY FAM! (23 December 2021)
- Come caricare la batteria della bicicletta elettrica: Suggerimenti e trucchi (16 December 2021)
- How to Charge Your Electric Bike Battery: Tips an Tricks (16 December 2021)
- Using an Electric Longboard for College (15 October 2021)
- Usare un Longboard Elettrico all'Università (15 October 2021)
- The Electric Longboard Backpack: Your Most Important Accessory (8 October 2021)
- Lo zaino da longboard elettrico: Il tuo accessorio più importante (8 October 2021)
- Andare in bicicletta elettrica in famiglia: Suggerimenti e consigli (29 September 2021)
- Riding Electric Bikes as a Family: Tips and Advice (29 September 2021)
- Fai una scelta sostenibile con la bicicletta elettrica (25 September 2021)
- Make an Environmental Impact with Electric Biking (25 September 2021)
- How to Live and Ride in the City with an Electric Bike (17 September 2021)
- Come vivere in città con una bici elettrica (17 September 2021)
- Get Fit and Lose Weight with an Electric Bike (11 September 2021)
- Mettersi in forma e perdere peso con una bicicletta elettrica (11 September 2021)
- How to Travel the World with Your Electric Bike (6 August 2021)
- Come viaggiare per il mondo con la tua bicicletta elettrica (6 August 2021)
- Mantenere la tua Ebike al sicuro dai ladri (5 August 2021)
- How to Ride an Electric Longboard (30 July 2021)
- Come guidare un Longboard elettrico (30 July 2021)
- Electric Bikes vs Regular Bikes (23 July 2021)
- Bici elettriche vs biciclette normali (23 July 2021)
- Keep Your Ebike Safe from Thieves (16 July 2021)
- 10 Tips for Electric Longboard Commuting (9 July 2021)
- Consigli per il pendolarismo elettrico su longboard (9 July 2021)
- How to Choose an Electric Bike: The 2021 Buying Guide (2 July 2021)
- Come scegliere una bici elettrica: la guida all'acquisto 2021 (2 July 2021)
- Perché dovresti andare al lavoro in bicicletta invece di guidare (25 June 2021)
- Why You Should Bike to Work Instead of Drive (25 June 2021)
- Come guidare una bicicletta elettrica (nel modo giusto) (18 June 2021)
- How to Ride an Electric Bike (The Right Way) (18 June 2021)
- Great Award for Our Unique Design (6 February 2020)
- Traveling around Italy with Linky The Foldable Electric Longboard (2 December 2019)
- Linky is Turning 3. Happy Birthday to Us! (23 July 2019)
- How to Travel by Plane with an Electric Longboard (25 June 2019)
- Linky is available!! Get yours NOW (19 December 2018)
- ALWAYS LATE BUT WORTH THE WAIT (28 September 2018)
- Firmware Update - v3.2 (6 August 2018)
- What’s the perfect city commuting vehicle? (29 June 2018)
- Summer vibes! (22 June 2018)
- Your feedback means the world to us! (15 June 2018)
- UniCredit Start Lab Finalist! (13 June 2018)
- Linky inspires local Gen Y at GenerYaction (1 June 2018)
- Ask your boss for a Linky! (26 May 2018)
- Flying with Linky: the do’s & don’ts (18 May 2018)
- Linky & The Environment (11 May 2018)
- Travel stories (4 May 2018)
- Firmware Update (24 April 2018)
- Where Would You Like To See Linky? (13 April 2018)
- Linky Is Going Places (6 April 2018)
- Happy Easter From Linky (30 March 2018)
- Get Ready For Spring! (23 March 2018)
- The Future of City Mobility (15 March 2018)
- The Linky Referral Program (5 March 2018)
- Reviews, logistics & more... (28 February 2018)
- Paolo & Cristiano on Realizing Dreams and Achieving Goals (14 January 2018)
- 2017 - What a year! (24 December 2017)
- What people say about Linky (18 December 2017)
- Linky Has Arrived! (5 December 2017)
- New Prices & Stock Update! (3 November 2017)
- Our App & Quality Tests (29 September 2017)
- We’re back from California! (13 September 2017)
- Exciting Weeks for Linky! (26 August 2017)
- Linky On Tour (12 August 2017)
- Work Hard, Play Hard (28 July 2017)
- We did it - thanks to you! (21 July 2017)
- App & Production Update (14 July 2017)
- The Latest Test Results (30 June 2017)
- Our Hard Work Is About To Pay Off! (20 June 2017)
- Babies Being Born 😉 (3 June 2017)
- The Linky App (26 May 2017)
- 'Back to School', flexibility and an exciting update... (19 May 2017)
- Linky in Action (12 May 2017)
- You Ask, We Answer! (5 May 2017)
- Rainy Rides (28 April 2017)
- Time Flies When You're Having Fun! (21 April 2017)
- (14 April 2017)
- It's Getting Hot In Here! (7 April 2017)
- The Linky Ambassadors' Project! (31 March 2017)
- The Remote Control (24 March 2017)
- Linky Meets Milano (17 March 2017)
- Shine A Light! (10 March 2017)
- Your Wish Is Our Command 😉 (24 February 2017)
- Don’t Forget The Survey, Tel Aviv, Enel 100 & The Swappable Battery (17 February 2017)
- Trade Show, Pitch Presentation & User Experience (10 February 2017)
- Our thanks after a successful Indiegogo Campaign! (15 December 2016)
- Get cash back with our referral program! Here's how (12 November 2016)
- Linky Now Live on Indiegogo! (11 October 2016)
- Save the date: October 11 launch! (28 September 2016)
- Getting schooled by Linky (17 September 2016)
- We didn't make it this time on Kickstarter, but we will relaunch soon (21 July 2016)
- Survey: how do you want your Linky (11 July 2016)
- Linky event: June 16 in Florence Italy (30 May 2016)
- Now on Kickstarter! 15k in first 6 hours (25 May 2016)
- Instagram challenge: what is FREEDOM to you? (23 May 2016)
- Getting ready to launch on Kickstarter May 24 2016! (17 May 2016)
- The main stages of planning Linky (10 September 2015)
- The birth of Linky (10 September 2015)
- The challenges of electric mobility in a planet with limited resources (4 September 2015)
- Home It (27 August 2024)
- Mappa del sito (17 October 2023)
- Sitemap (17 October 2023)
- Supporto Clienti (17 October 2023)
- Contatti (1 July 2021)
- Domande più frequenti (18 June 2021)
- Support (17 October 2023)
- Frequently Asked Questions (6 July 2017)
- Contact (11 September 2015)
- Visione (13 October 2023)
- Valori (13 October 2023)
- Historia (13 October 2023)
- Story (13 October 2023)
- Values (13 October 2023)
- Vision (13 October 2023)
- Privacy policy (27 September 2023)
- Notiziario (7 September 2023)
- Join the Ride (7 September 2023)
- Cookie Policy (3 August 2023)
- Termini e condizioni (28 June 2021)
- Diario (18 June 2021)
- Saperne di piu (18 June 2021)
- Terms And Conditions (7 June 2021)
- Privacy Policy (17 November 2017)
- Learn More (15 June 2017)
- Home (14 June 2017)
- Blog (4 September 2015)