As a member of Linky’s community, you’re the most important promoter we have! We don’t have a whole lot of money to run advertising campaigns, but we know that there are many of you out there who are really enthusiastic and who want to see this project succeed. Here’s something you can do that would be a HUGE HELP for Linky and a super bonus for you too!
Find other people who would love Linky and earn cash back for yourself! For every $1000 revenue generated via your unique referral link, we will credit you with $100 cash back (up until the total amount of your contribution to Linky on Indiegogo.)

Here’s how it works
You must have an Indiegogo account to participate.
If you are an existing backer, the refund will apply on your existing contribution. If you haven’t backed our campaign yet, the referral cash back will be credited towards a Linky at the 749$ pricing tier, which we’ll hold for you until Feb 15 2017.
In order for us to track your referral, you must log into your Indiegogo account and use your personal referral URL.
How can I find my personal URL?
Log in to your Indiegogo account (or sign up to create one)
See the share icons to the bottom right of the video? Click on the link icon (we’ve highlighted it in red in the graphic below) to generate your unique URL.
Share it via social media and email – there are no limits to how you can promote this URL (Newsletter! Facebook ads! Whatever you want – get creative, make more cash back!)
How do I track my referrals?
Log in to your Indiegogo account. On the top right corner of the page, you will see your name. Click it.
In the dropdown menu, click on “My Contributions”
In the menu bar, click on the “Referrals” tab. You will see the number of people you referred, the number who have purchased and the total amount they contributed.
How do I get cash back for my referrals?
Once our campaign is over, Indiegogo will provide us with information on how many perks were purchased through your referrals. We will then issue you a refund from the perk you have purchased.
The referral program starts as of NOW and will run until the campaign ends Saturday Dec 10 2016.
So go for it! Who will be Linky’s top promoter?!
nice apps wab sides
I don’t know why it work