Our foldable electric skateboard reached 150 new customers in North and South America.
Still 1 or 2 customers with logistic issues that we are managing carefully. Just 4 units came back for normal production issues that we have already repaired and shipped back. Not bad isn’t it!!
Most of our customers already used Linky for their daily commuting or trips and we are happy to have received nice feedback. It came late but it was worth it. We are always glad to see pictures and videos of your experience with Linky so if you have some don’t be shy, send them over 🙂
E-commerce and quick delivery: finally, this week, 200 Linky left China by boat. In about 3 weeks we will have 50 units ready to be shipped from our warehouse. So if you order now you will get your esk8 in early November.
It seems the perfect time to buy a brand new Linky from our e-commerce 😀

Our customers are traveling around the globe with Linky. Lately, @erathic has been sending some cool shots taken in Japan. We are so happy people are actually using our foldable electric skateboard as a travel vehicle. Follow us on Instagram to see other cool pictures.
The Team Linky.