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The main stages of planning Linky

For those interested in the “ancient history” of this start-up 🙂 we wanted to tell you a bit more about the main stages of Linky’s design.

As mentioned in our last article, in September 2014, the main ideas for Linky – and the team – really came together, and we quickly moved to constructing a wooden prototype in October of the same year, with the aim to assess size, driving ergonomics and portability.

In December 2014 another turn in terms of human resources: Fabio enters the team as responsible for the production of the skate. Fabio, carried by passion for electrical engineering, has brought the attention to detail that made Linky unrivalled. Fabio and Paolo then made the first working prototype of the skateboard.

In February 2015, Cristiano joined the project as a marketing manager. Cristiano graduated in economics, and his passion for the world of business promotion led him to conceive a brand linked to our product.

Between February and April 2015, we rode Linky for its first 500 km, and these tests confirmed the choice of the battery pack; it was also decided to make a down grade power to the motor from 2000 watts to 1000 watts of power in order to favour portability and autonomy. Also during this period, after the first phase of the test, portability and ergonomics of driving are further explored.

In May 2015 our project passed the first stage of the competition ECapital, a very important business plan competition in our region of Le March in Italy. Also in May the first prototype of backpacks is ready, and in June the innovative folding system is patented.

In June, Lorenzo enters the team as Head of communication, a student of journalism who wants to learn more about the digital world.

These are just the beginning phases, the first prototypes and the formation of the team, but we know we have a lot to look forward to.

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