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What We Have Learned from this Pandemic

In recent years, new wisdom has arrived that can help positively reshape the way we move forward.

What have we really learned from this pandemic?

Lesson #1 Equality.

We don’t live well without relationships and we should never forget that. There is a very caring and shared connection between us and it is amazing to see how sometimes we can rediscover the ability to stick together.

Sharing is caring. Sometimes we need to be reminded how important kindness is. We need to remember that we have been given a gift called life and we should appreciate it.

Let’s focus on what is important. When this is over, the Earth will continue to spin and life will flow again. The question is whether we will have learned our lesson by then. Let us be aware of our Earth and it will be kind to us. There is no rainbow without rain. Remember.

I know it’s not easy for us, I know it’s not easy for those lying in hospitals, I know it’s not easy for those who have lost someone. Life takes us in different directions. That is why it is important to live in the moment, without thinking about the past or the future. This situation has taught us many things.

– Lesson #2 Adapt to change

From both a personal and societal perspective, change is often necessary.

However, the impressive pace of change accelerated by the pandemic has left many people stunned. Why do the aftershocks of change upset us so much? As one sociological model (Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief) describes, change happens in stages, and our reactions are no different. It takes time for individuals and organizations to follow a transformation. What we can take from the pandemic is that by learning from immense stressors, we can emerge with stronger skills to deal with change and resilience.

– Lesson #3 Strengthen Core Relationships

Undeniably, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned since the pandemic began is the importance of basic relationships. There is a finite amount of energy and time we have to create meaningful relationships, and the pandemic reminded me that the grass really is greener where it is watered.

Wrapping up

 Life is a lesson; we learn every day and will continue to learn every day. Not everything has to be perfect in life to be happy and appreciate ourselves and everything around us.  We just have to be grateful.

Remember that the best lessons in life are learned in the hard times and when we make mistakes.


Enjoy your life and appreciate what you have. Think about the fact that there are people in the world with less. Be happy and positive about everything around you and you will become a stronger person.


What have you learned this year?

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