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The Future of City Mobility

Hi everyone,

A very full update from us this time! Are you ready?!

The Future of City Mobility

Cities are changing. With a rapid growth of many cities, city life becomes more and more crowded. One of the areas that this has an effect on, is mobility. Nowadays, not only the centers but even the surrounding areas are congested with traffic jams and it likely will only get worse.

No wonder the world is becoming creative in finding ways to get around the city, in particular when it comes to last mile mobility. Metro stations, city-edge parking lots and bus stops aren’t always close to the final destination, so people take the car instead. What we see now, is that both companies and consumers open up their mind to alternatives.

Companies like Volkswagen and other car and motorbike manufacturers design small scooters that can be put in a car trunk, but the real innovations often come from startups with a specific vision. We at Linky are proud to be one of them. From day one, before we even designed Linky, we had a vision of something light, foldable, and easy to use, with respect for the environment. But it also had to be fun… and stylish! After all, we are an Italian company 😉

And it’s with that vision that we created Linky; it ticks all our boxes. But in general, we’re happy to see this last-mile mobility industry really taking off. It will improve both the quality of life in cities, as well as the environment.

We’re curious to hear from you: when you think of the future of city mobility, what do you think that would look like? What’s your vision?  

The Referral Program

You may have read it already, but we’re running a great referral program! If your friends, family or your social media followers buy a Linky board through you, you would save for Linky accessories like hoodies, spare batteries and even a brand new Linky! We’ve already started the production of the next batch of 500 boards and many of them have already been sold all over the world, so be quick & benefit from this high demand for Linky! Get more info here.


All orders from Europe, Asia, and Australia have been fulfilled and all logistics lines are now running smoothly.

As for the US, we learned what the problem with the first batch was, so we were able to fix that for future batches and that is running all smoothly now as well. We’ve successfully delivered the second and later batches.

Unfortunately, this means nothing for the first batch which is still stuck in customs and we sincerely apologize that our first backers are the ones who haven’t received their boards yet. It’s a really painful process and we do our best to make up for it. We’ve submitted all the latest documents that customs requested and we are now waiting for the boards to be released. CBP told us they would give us an update on Friday, so hopefully good news will follow in the next few days. We’ll keep you posted!

All the best,

The Linky Team

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