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5 Reasons Why We Love Cycling

Sometimes it feels like there is a primal instinct that is satisfied from cycling. Or maybe it’s just a connection to that instinct. It’s the challenge, the exertion, the risk, pushing oneself out of the comfort zone in a physical way. Stirring and satisfying one’s sense of adventure at the same time. Taking a trip … Read more

5 Tips to Be More Sustainable

On April 22, Earth Day was celebrated, the largest environmental event in the world, an important occasion that reminds us how the planet, because of us, has become particularly fragile and what we can do to reverse the trend. Contrary to those who believe that a sustainable life is very complex, requires too many sacrifices, … Read more

The Best Electric Skateboard Accessories

Electric skateboards are already a TON of fun to ride. Nothing tops carving on an empty road or getting to where you need to go in style. But those who are just using their boards out of the box, without any sort of add-ons, have yet to unlock their full potential. Investing in some electric … Read more

Freedom to move into the city of the future.

Freedom is feeling unrestricted, of not depending on something or someone. At Linky Innovation we like to see freedom as an energy that speaks to us of a different way of living, of a new man, who seeks freedom every single day, hour, and instant, like a flower pursuing the light. A freedom that is … Read more

Friendship as an added value in our Company

In this article, we told you the story about how the idea behind Linky was born. Now we want to share how we made it happen. When you start a new project, choosing with whom you’re going to be in the ring is quite possibly the most important decision you can make in the process. … Read more

Rider Stories

Share your perspective about how riding changes the way you experience the city. Read about stories from our riders or contribute your own story for a chance to be featured. We would love to hear from you🙂 The first story we want to tell is about Alessandro. Alessandro, Rider of the Month Alessandro is a … Read more

The Importance of Passion

In this article, I want to tell you more about the importance of passion in our Company. Our technical background is in automotive mechanics and power train systems. This helped us to realize five consecutive generations of functional prototypes using high-quality materials and lithium-ion batteries. This approach led by the philosophy of continuous improvement is … Read more