Check out the new Linky 2.0 on Indiegogo and get 25% off!

We didn’t make it this time on Kickstarter, but we will relaunch soon

As some of you know, we recently ran a Kickstarter campaign with a €100k “all or nothing” goal. We managed to raise over €83k, but that was not enough to “withdraw” that money and start production.

As we wrote in this update, numerous positive things have come out of this campaign. While we won’t be able to ship by December 2016 as planned, with a campaign relaunch (date TBA) we will be producing Linky by Summer 2017.

In this video we sum up the experience and thank our early supporters.


YouTube video

Take the survey

We’ve asked our Kickstarter backers what they most want from Linky. If you’re interested in purchasing our electric skateboard in the future, please answer the questions in this survey so we can make Linky best fit your needs.

Keep in touch

If you want to be the first to know when we relaunch – and grab early bird pricing – fill in your email on this page!

42 thoughts on “We didn’t make it this time on Kickstarter, but we will relaunch soon”

  1. That would be awesome can’t wait to backup your campaign. I would love to get an email once you guys relaunch the campaign.

  2. Removable battery, replace the battery increase range. Offer two battery configuration a combination of skateboarding.

  3. Keep me updated when you launch again. Please make swappable battery, we don’t like looking for chargers.

    • its a bit too expensive 🙁
      is there any way i can just get a linky board for less than 400 euros?
      I live in japan so sending from there to here costs more.
      but i guess you guys don’t just get Linkys out of thin air.

      • Hi Nathan,

        we want our Linky to be an affortable means of transportation so we are working hard to go in this direction.
        We will communicate important news on this point!

        Stay connected

        Linky’s team

  4. Hello Guys, my name is Paul. I would love to advertise your product and help spread the word.
    I Live in California near all the beaches. From Huntington Beach to Laguna Beach.

    I would gladly do it for free because I love what you guys stand for. To help live a better lifestyle and just ride.

    Become the Next Boosted Board but make it affordable for everyone.

    Hope to hear from you guys

  5. Hey guys,

    when are you planning to relaunch your campain? Would be great if I can save up some money for it.
    What I am looking for is a compact board that is easy to take with me and has a long range and/or swappable battery. And it should be affordable cause all those Board with a 1000$ or above price range are to much for me. Hope to see the new campain at some time in Oktober or November so that I have the money and can jump in at the kickstarter pricing.
    One last Question. Can you ride it like a regular Longboard once the battery runs out or will it not work because of the motor?

    • Hi Stefan! We will be relaunching towards the end of September! Please sign up for our newsletter ( to get notice as soon as it comes out – and indeed, start saving!

  6. I agree even travellers would love to have one of these but if over of even 500 they would not be able to afford it so I’m really hoping it’s actually in the 200 range but OK please have it come out soon I’m inpatient And I’d like to know the price so I can start saving to

    • Hi Michelle! Thankyou for your interest, we are working really hard to lower the price as much as possible. We want Linky to be affordable but even with high quality and no compromise on safety!

    • Hi Obada! We will reveal the launch price in a couple of days, follow our countdown on facebook. We have some wonderful surprises 🙂

    • Hi There! We will be on Indiegogo the next 11 of ocotber, so in just 7 days. Follow our countdown on facebook and have fun!

  7. I’m waiting.
    To launch as soon as …
    I seem to be the best board of the board.
    Where being able to enjoy life to the attractive boarding eseona
    I want you to just add my e-mail.

    • Grazie Francesco! We are very proud to be Italian and to transfer our high-quality standards in every Linky that we make.

  8. Dear All
    Well done! great idea!!
    Is it possible change battery pack or motor ?
    the question is the following:
    I wish more power in term of velocity or distance that I can do then
    Do you sail this Elctric SK8 linky with anther battery or motor?

    Regards MM

    • Hi maurizio!
      You can change the battery pack – there is a graphic we posted on the indiegogo campaign with information on how this is done in 5 minutes. The motor cannot be changed by the public, but has a 2 year warrantee and our customer service team will take care of any problems.


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