All the hard work is paying off; the first batch with Linky boards is on its way and many people have by now received it! We love seeing the unboxing videos pop up, like this one for example:

We can’t wait to see more of those videos and of course videos of you actually riding Linky! Make sure to share them with us via social media.
We are also very excited about our new website! Now that Linky is officially out there in the big world, it deserved a new online space reflecting all the latest specs. Do you like the new look?
If you haven’t ordered your Linky yet, this really is the time to do so! Prices start now at $899 + shipping for the InDemand special, which is still an 18% discount. In a few weeks, the prices will go up to the full price, so grab yours now to still benefit from this deal!
And remember: if you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to us via email or social media!
Take care!
The Linky Team